
Building Blue for 22 Weekend 培训 Retreat

Here you will find the guides to review after the trainings. We hope these educational sessions will introduce you to new concepts, give you tools that will 帮助 you and introduce you to our staff that will be fighting alongside you this cycle. 网络研讨会在Zoom上举行, a video calling platform and will be recorded and posted for you to watch at your convenience.


1st Vice/Precinct Chair 培训

  1. My Precinct is Organized, Now What?
  2. Different groups of voters require different strategies
  3. 邻域聚类模型
  4. 包容的志愿者团队
  5. 关系组织


  1. 建筑蓝概述
  2. 缩放的最佳实践
  3. 通过动员实现移动化
  4. 最佳实践 for Online 培训
  5. 最佳实践 for Days of 行动
  6. 拉票入门
  7. 电话银行入门
  8. 选民登记App


  1. 社交媒体 and 数字工具 培训
  2. 帆布
  3. MailChimp的的魔法
  4. 发短信
  5. Writing Press Releases and Op Eds
  6. 建立你的清单
  7. 给编辑的信

Building Organizational Capacity

  1. 选区的重要性
  2. 什么是容量?
  3. 全年组织
  4. 文化
  5. 沟通
  6. 持久性
  7. 我们的目标




  1. 椅子上的责任
  2. 战略计划 
  3. 聪明的目标


  1. 什么是帆布?
  2. For people and teams wanting to design absolutely anything, from logos and social media content to documents, 印刷品及其他
  3. 我为什么要用帆布?
  4. 良好的设计原则
  5. 穿过帆布

Electrifying the Student Vote

  1. 什么是CDNC?
  2. 积极外联和投票
  3. 不仅仅是投票
  4. CDNC正在做什么来帮助

Getting Groovy with Google Docs

  1. 为什么是b谷歌Docs?
  2. 创建谷歌帐户 
  3. 创建谷歌文档
  4. 共享谷歌文档 
  5. 下载 & 打印文档
  6. 组织bbb100文档


  1. 什么是动员?
  2. 创建帐户
  3. 图形
  4. 创建事件
  5. 检查你的活动的注册情况
  6. 出口
  7. Zoom + mobileintegration

How to Democrat in a World of Trump

请坐,博士. Bobbie Richardson, and special guest, Rep Graig Meyer, for conversation, dialogue, and Q&A as we talk about our vision for NCDP and how we continue to build power across the state. We will also be joined by Alitha Palich, DWNC的调酒师, 所以赶紧吃午饭吧, 带上你最喜欢的饮料, and you may even learn how to mix up our special drink, “建设蓝”!

Leveraging the Power of Your Story Online

  1. Everyone is a Digital Organizer!
  2. 为什么要数字化组织?
  3. Where to tell your story online?
  4. 最佳实践 
  5. 关系组织
  6. 现在你试试!
  7. 闭幕词 & 下一个步骤


  1. Introduction to the LGBTQIA+ Community
    1. 条款
    2. 字母代表什么
    3. 使用人称代词
  2. 问题 & 保护/法律
    1. 联邦
      1. 司各脱
      2. 总统行政命令
      3. 国会
    2. 状态
      1. 州长行政命令
      2. 立法

Lobbying Your Elected Officials

You’ll learn from 培训 Director Julia Buckner how to fully leverage the power of your voice to affect leaders in government.


Together we’ll learn everything you need to know about how to utilize Mailchimp to send email campaigns. Learn how to create a free Mailchimp account, 上传联系人, 发送你的第一封邮件, and read reports to track the performance of your email campaigns!

Messaging In 行动: The American Rescue Plan

This session will focus on President Biden’s American Rescue Plan and best practices for us to use as we share the story of how we’re putting shots in arms, 钱包里的支票, and lowering healthcare costs.

My Precinct’s Organized, Now What?

Join us as we learn why precinct organization is so important to the success of the NCDP.  Learn more about your responsibilities as Precinct Chair and make plans to 帮助 your precinct thrive.

开幕式 & 新椅子定位

  1. 汇总使用:  
    1. Reflections from 县的椅子 Association: Jeff Rose
    2. 新椅子定位: Julia B.
    3. 内部人士对NCDP的看法
    4. 与员工见面
    5. 休息室: Meet Each Other
    6. 注释:Chris Hardee
    7. 与NCDP通信
    8. 策划有意义的活动
    9. Roberts Rules: Your Top Ten List
    10. Votebuilder: Top 10s for 县的椅子
    11. Building a Positive Team 文化
    12. Building 包容的志愿者团队
    13. 接班人计划


  1. 罗伯特议事规则,为什么?
  2. 顺利召开会议
  3. 召开
  4. 点名
  5. 法定人数
  6. 检讨及通过议程
  7. 审阅和采纳会议记录
  8. 旧/新业务
  9. 最佳实践 for a Smooth Meeting (Ask)
  10. 特殊规则
  11. 谁有资格投票
  12. 运动
  13. 修正案
  14. 讨论与辩论
  15. 提名 & 投票
  16. 决议
  17. 要知道的术语

Partnering with your Candidates


  1. 谁应该竞选公职?
  2. 为什么他们没有?
  3. 性别故障
  4. 你准备好了吗??
  5. 为什么??
  6. 有办公室吗??
  8. 活动花费Ya!


  1. 罗伯特议事规则,为什么?
  2. 顺利召开会议
  3. 召开
  4. 点名
  5. 法定人数
  6. 检讨及通过议程
  7. 审阅和采纳会议记录
  8. 旧/新业务
  9. 最佳实践 for a Smooth Meeting (Ask)
  10. 特殊规则
  11. 谁有资格投票
  12. 运动
  13. 修正案
  14. 讨论与辩论
  15. 提名 & 投票
  16. 决议
  17. 要知道的术语


  1. Responsibilities of Secretaries
  2. Characteristics of Good Secretaries
  3. 挑战
  4. Getting Groovy with Google Docs
  5. Minutes: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  6. 注意事项

社交媒体 & 数字工具

Together we’ll learn everything you need to know about how to utilize 社交媒体 as a tool to connect with your audience. Learn why 社交媒体 is important in 2021 and how to create engaging posts and copy! We will also briefly touch on zoom and mobilize best practices.

We will not be covering the very basics of how to make a facebook page, instagram帐户, or twitter account—if you need a training on that, please watch these 3 tutorials:


The 邻域聚类模型


  1. I am the “Voice of Compliance” 
  2. 你的角色
  3. 你的前10天
  4. 候选人党委
  5. 提交报告
  6. 湿的签名
  7. 报告进度 
  8. 让我赚大钱
  9. Banned Contributions/Expenditures
  10. 实物贡献
  11. 付款方法
  12. 传说
  13. 莱佛士
  14. 资源

VoteBuilder 101

Data Director Emily Allen and Eva Clayton Fellow JJ Tolentino introduce you to Votebuilder. They cover working with individual records, creating and saving lists, and paperless options.

VoteBuilder 2 and Virtual Phonebanking

  1. Intro to Phonebanking (Where do phone numbers come from? What happens to numbers marked bad? 等.)
  2. Creating Lists for Phonebanking
  3. 印刷 & Entering data from paper Phone Lists
  4. Making calls with VPBs (Both within Votebuilder & 通过OpenVPB)
  5. VPB Administration (Setting up VPBs, Monitoring VPBs & 拉票结果)

VoteBuilder:  帆布ssing, Cutting Turfs, MiniVan

  1. 拉票入门
  2. Creating Lists for Door knocking + Cutting Turf
  3. 印刷 & entering data from paper turf packets
  4. 使用小型货车
  5. MiniVAN Administration (Distributing lists to canvassers, monitoring progress, committing data)

Voter Suppression: Effects on Future Election

  1. Civil Rights Act and 投票 Rights Act
  2. What is Voter Suppression and What Does It Look Like?
  3. Who Benefits from Voter Suppression?
  4. How Does Voter Suppression Negatively Impact the Future?
  5. 你能做什么??




  1. 开始会议
  2. 如何安排会议
  3. 说/静音/等
  4. 投票
  5. 举起手/放下手
  6. 注释
  7. 休息室
  8. 在线直播
  9. 记录
  10. Zoom and Mobilize Integration
1月 / 2月 / 3月 / 4月 / 五月 / 6月 / 7月 / 8月 / 9月 / 10月 / 11月 / 12月 


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